July 11, 2024

The Most Refreshing Lemonade: Perfect for the Hottest Days

The Most Refreshing Lemonade: Perfect for the Hottest Days

What is the most refreshing lemonade? Lemon water is nice, but when the heat is on, you need something truly refreshing. Try cooling off with this simple lemonade.

Staying hydrated is essential not only during heatwaves but all year round. These tips might help you finally start drinking more water:

Extra Lemon Lemonade

First, let’s be clear: this sugar-sweetened lemonade should not replace your daily water intake. However, on scorching days, it offers perfect refreshment to help you cope with relentless temperatures at home, work, or while out shopping.

The secret to truly refreshing lemonade lies not only in freshly squeezed lemon juice but also in lemon zest, which gives the drink that extra flavor and delightful aroma. The kind that provides the much-needed refreshment when the thermometer in the shade reads over 30ÂșC. You can find the exact method and three-ingredient list for making this extra refreshing lemonade below.

Also try: delicious, refreshing, and visually appealing fruit-infused drinks that will refresh you and detox your body.

Homemade Lemonade Recipe

You will need:

  • 5 lemons (preferably organic)
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 1 liter water to taste


  1. Thoroughly wash the lemons with a sponge under warm running water. Dry the washed fruit and use a vegetable peeler to cut larger, thin strips of lemon zest.
  2. Place the zest in a bowl, add the sugar, mix, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rest at room temperature for 2 to 12 hours. After two hours, essential oils from the zest should begin to infuse the sugar. However, the longer you let the zest marinate, the more intense the aroma of the final lemonade will be.
  3. Pour about 300 ml of water over the zest and sugar mixture and heat until the sugar dissolves. Strain the lemon syrup into a pitcher, add the juice from the lemons, plenty of ice, and about 700 ml of cold water. Serve with a slice of lemon.

If you’re in a hurry, you can boil the zest with sugar and water directly, skipping the marinating step. The result won’t be as refreshing, though.
